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Following are the local rules for the 12U Division of Foster City Softball. Apart from these rule changes, this division will follow the Amateur Softball Association (ASA) Official Rules of Softball.

Division Age

The 12U Division consists of girls of League Ages 11 and 12. At the discretion of the league board, a girl of age 10 may play in the 12U division.

Team Management

Coaches can be either gender but there must be a female present at all times during practices and games. There is a maximum of three (3) adult coaches allowed in the dugout during a game. Adult coaches or a player can coach at the bases. Two coaches may be on the field during a game, but they must be out of fair territory in designated areas behind first and third bases when their team is at bat. Coaches are not allowed on the playing field when their team is playing defense. A team parent may substitute for an absent coach.


There will generally be two games per week (1 weekday and 1 Saturday), with practices on Sunday. Games are seven (7) innings long. Game time limit is 1 hour and 30 minutes. No new inning can start after that time. A new inning begins the second the final out (or run-ahead rule) of the previous inning is accomplished. If a game is tied after the 7th inning, and time permits, the International Tie Breaker rule is used (see ASA rules). If time has expired, the game ends in a tie. A game becomes “official” when 5 innings have been played (4 ½ if the home team is ahead) or when the 90 minute time limit is reached.

Teams may score a maximum of 5 runs per inning or adequate runs to assume a one-run lead, whichever is greater. In the top of the 7th inning or during an inning in which the 90-minute time limit is reached with the visiting team at bat, the visiting team may score a maximum of 5 runs or adequate runs to assume a five-run lead.

If after five (5) innings one team is ahead by ten (10) runs or more, the game shall be concluded by the umpire.

Bases are sixty (60) feet apart and the pitcher's mound is forty (40) feet away from home plate. A safety-base is used at first base. The home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout and will provide an official scorekeeper if not otherwise provided by the league as well as one game ball and a suitable backup ball. A 12” Dudley CFP-12 (California Fast Pitch-12) yellow with red stitch softball is used. An aluminum alloy softball bat, not greater in length than 34 inches, must be used. All players on the field must wear a softball glove. Outfielders must start each play on the outfield grass.

Teams will play with ten (10) players on the field (four outfielders), but may play with as few as eight (8) if there is an unexpected shortage of team players for the game. Players arriving late to a game will be added to the bottom of the batting roster. Players leaving early from a game will be removed from the batting roster and the position in the batting order will NOT be considered an out. Any player leaving the roster for any reason cannot return in the same game.

A player may substitute in and out multiple times at different positions for different players provided the minimum play requirement of nine defensive outs per 7-inning game is met in full-inning increments. Violation of the minimum play rules will result in a warning, then a possible suspension, of the coach by the League's Board of Directors.

No one except eligible players in uniform and coaches shall occupy the bench or dugout area. For safety reasons bat boys and bat girls are not permitted. The batter, the on-deck batter, all base runners and players acting as coaches, must wear helmets at all times. 

All players available for the game will bat in a continuous order. If the third out is made on a base runner, the batter then at bat is the first batter of the next inning and the count of balls and strikes starts over. The dropped 3rd strike rule will be enforced. If a batter throws a bat, she will receive a warning on the first occasion. On the second occasion it will be an immediate dead ball out and the coach will be notified that the player may not bat for the balance of the game, but may play in the field.

Runners may steal, but may not leave their base(s) until the pitched ball is released from the pitcher’s hand. If the runner leaves early, she is out. Stealing home is permitted. Sliding headfirst is not permitted except when sliding back to the base that the runner previously occupied. The infield fly rule will be enforced.

Pitching Eligibility

A player may pitch a maximum of 21 outs in a calendar week, Saturday through Friday. Outs for any postponed game will be counted during the week the game was originally scheduled. Any recorded defensive out, is counted as a “pitching out”. Pitching outs (per pitcher) will be clearly recorded in the official scorebook, directly underneath the final game score and verified by the signature of each team’s designated individual. Outs remaining (unless 21) for each proposed pitcher must be listed on the team’s official batting order at the start of the game. Any pitcher who pitches more than 21 outs per week will result in that team taking a forfeit for the violation. The out limit is not enforced for the end-of-season tournament championship game. A player once removed as a pitcher may return up to two times, to pitch again in the same game and even the same inning, provided such player is currently in the defensive lineup. Delivery of a single pitch constitutes having pitched an out.

A coach may come out twice in one inning and three times in a game to visit a specific pitcher. On the third visit per inning or fourth visit in the game, the pitcher must be removed. A returning pitcher assumes both the inning and game visit counts held at the time she left as pitcher, although the visit to remove her is not counted.

Warm-up Pitches/Excessive “Plunking”/Illegal Pitches

No more than five warm-up pitches at the beginning of each inning, or when replacing another pitcher. A pitcher who is reinserted in the same inning, does not receive any warm-up pitches. A ball is awarded the batter for each excessive pitch thrown. At the umpire’s discretion, for the safety of the players, a pitcher who hits 5 batters in one game may be removed as a pitcher for the remainder of the game. The umpire shall take into account the speed of the pitcher and the circumstances surrounding the “plunking.”

Look-back or Hesitation Rule

During pre-season games, each team will be allowed one warning per game for a violation of the Look-Back (Hesitation) rule, with the affected runner returned to her origin base rather than declared out. Subsequent infractions during the game will result in a dead-ball out.

During the regular season and playoffs, no warning will be provided, and the Look-Back (Hesitation ) rule will be enforced in accordance with established ASA rules.

Defensive Positioning/Collisions

When a defensive player has the ball, or is about to receive the ball, and a runner remains on her feet (does not attempt to slide), and collides with the defensive player, an out shall be called (except 1st base where a double-base is used). A flagrant violation, at the discretion of the umpire, will result in an ejection.


All players must wear a regulation uniform consisting of a league-issued visor, jersey, softball pants and socks. Teams may opt for a team sweatshirt with a visible number. Catchers must wear a face mask with throat guard, chest and leg protectors and a softball glove. Players may not wear jewelry during a game. The pitcher’s glove cannot be the same color as the ball (optic yellow). All batting helmets shall be outfitted with a securely fastened NOCSAE approved face mask and a chin strap.

Pool Play

A pool of players from existing regular season 10U teams will be created with players that want to participate in extra games during the regular season when teams face a shortage of rostered players.


1. The Division Rep will create and run the pool. The Division Rep will use the pool to assign players to teams that are short players on a rotating basis.

2. Coaches will not have the right to pick and choose players from the pool.

3. Players used from the pool will play in the outfield. Pool players will bat last in the continuous batting order.

4. Pool players that are called and show up at the game site must play at least nine consecutive defensive outs and must bat the entire game in the continuous batting order.


All teams will play in the playoffs at the end of the season. The playoff pairings will be seeded based on regular season standings, in a double elimination tournament.


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