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The 8U division features coach-pitch softball for girls of ages 7 and 8. Game scores are not maintained and no standings are kept. For game schedules and individual team information, please select the appropriate button to the left.Minors Fielding

This division features coach and player pitching, with a pitching distance of 32 feet. An 11-inch Easton Incrediball softball is utilized.

The division begins its season with practices in late-February, and 11 regular-season games from mid March through mid- May. There are no playoffs at this level.

Prior to scheduled games, teams typically practice 1-2 times per week, usually Saturday and one weeknite. Once competition begins, there are typically games on Saturday and one weeknite practice, with an occasional weeknite game late in the season.

For further information about the 8U program, please contact Division Rep Jennie Magro at 577-8963 or email


Local Rules for 8U Softball

Following are the local rules for the 8U Division in Foster City ASA Softball.

Division Age

The 8U Division consists of girls between the League Ages of 7 and 8.

Team Management

The preference is for all teams to have a female Manager at least twenty-one (21) years of age. Coaches can be either gender but there must be a female present at all times during practices and games. There is a maximum of four (4) adults manager/coaches allowed in the dugout during a game. Adult coaches or a player can coach at the bases. Two coaches may be on the field during a game, but they must be out of fair territory in designated areas behind first and third bases when their team is at bat. Coaches are not allowed on the playing field when their team is playing defense.


Each team will have one practice during the week and one game on the weekend (Saturday in most cases).


Games are six (6) innings long. No inning may start after 1 hour 30 minutes of playing time IMG_3987and the game must end after 1 hour 45 minutes of playing time. Each team will get three outs or a maximum of 4 runs per inning, whichever occurs first.

Scores will be kept for the players learning experience, but no standings are kept. The scoreboard shall be turned back to “0’s” if one team has a lead of 15 runs. This is to not embarrass any team losing from a large amount.

An adult coach will pitch exclusively during games during the first half of the season. During the second half of the season, a player will make up to 3 pitches per batter, after which a coach will assume pitching for the duration of the batter’s at-bat. There will be no walks or hit-by-pitch base awards. Each batter will get up to 3 coach pitches. If the 3rd pitch is not hittable, the batter will get 1 additional pitch. If the 3rd pitch is not hit the batter will be retired (but not out). Should the 3rd pitch be hit foul, the batter will continue at bat until a play is made or a missed swing. An out can occur only when a batter-runner is successfully put out by a defensive player. If a batter throws a bat, she will receive a warning on the first occasion. On the second occasion, the manager will not allow the player to bat for the balance of the game, but may play in the field. 

Bases will be fifty (50) feet apart and the pitcher’s mound will be 32’ away from home plate.  A 11’ Incredaball will be used in this division. All players on the field must wear a softball glove. Outfielders must start each play on the outfield grass. 

The home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout. Teams will play with up to ten (10) players on the field at one time. Free substitution exists throughout the division. All players will play a minimum of three (3) innings in the field per game and at least one (1) inning must be played in the infield unless the game is shortened due to darkness or time limit. Failure of a Manager to comply with this rule will result in a warning and then possible suspension by the Board of Directors. The game must be fair to all players and coaches should make every effort to play all players both in the infield and outfield positions. The Coach may, however, for safety reasons keep some players from playing some key positions such as pitcher, catcher and first base. All players will bat even if they didn’t play defense that inning. Any player arriving after the first pitch of the game goes to the end of the batting order.

Base runners will not leave the base until the ball is hit. Stealing is prohibited. Sliding is allowed and even encouraged on close plays. Sliding head first is not allowed. Base runners may only advance one base on an overthrow.

The home team will supply an adult (parent other than a coach) to work behind home plate for the entire game. His/her responsibilities will include counting the number of pitches each batter gets, make calls at home, fair and foul calls and assist the catcher (get the balls that go behind the catcher, fix catchers equipment, etc.). The visiting team will supply an adult (parent other than coach) to make the calls in the field. If there is a question regarding an umpire’s ruling (not a judgment call), both managers will discuss the problem and come to a decision. Since wins and losses are not counted, an umpire’s ruling is not extremely critical. There is no infield fly rule in this division.

A defensive player will be a pitcher’s helper and there will be a catcher in this division. A play is ruled dead when the pitcher’s helper has control of the ball within the pitchers circle. The pitcher’s helper must start each play with at least one foot on or in a 10-foot circle around the pitcher’s rubber, known as the pitcher’s circle. She must also stand equal to or behind the pitcher’s rubber when the ball is pitched. 

There will be NO bat boys or bat girls and for safety reasons, children of managers/coaches will not be allowed in the dugout during games. There will be no on-deck circle and the gate to the dugouts must remain closed at ALL times! No exceptions. Players may not take warm-up swings either inside or outside the dugout prior to their turn to bat.


All players must wear a regulation uniform consisting of a league-issued visor, jersey, softball pants and socks. Teams may opt for a team sweatshirt with a visible number. Catchers must wear a face mask, chest and leg protectors and a softball glove. Players may not wear jewelry during a game.


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